80% of Engineering Student do not get Employment every year.

There are 6,214 Engineering & Technical Institutions in which 2.9 million students are enrolled and 1.5 million Gets Degree, only 3% get Perfect Job and 4% Core Engineering Job, 13% Employment in Any Type of Field, Total Maximum only 20% Student get Employment and rest are unemployed.

Gap Between Education and Industry

The gap between education and industry is a complex issue that arises due to several factors, including the mismatch between the syllabus and industry needs, outdated course materials, lack of practical skills, weak communication and soft skills, and low motivation and focus. To bridge this gap, educational institutions should revise their curricula, partner with industry experts, offer practical skills training, and provide opportunities for students to develop communication, innovation, and soft skills. By adopting a comprehensive approach, educational institutions can better prepare students for success in the workforce.

Following factors creating Gap

Author: lacking industry experience

Skill: mismatched employer needs

Communication: weak workplace skills

Motivation: low drive levels

Focus: lack of attention on goal

Innovation: creativity not taught

Soft Skills: insufficient progress

Limited Exposure to new Tech

Why is Dron the right Candidate for this Project?


He was a Student

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Become Engineer Also

Item content. Click the edit button to change this text.


He has given interviews

Item content. Click the edit button to change this text.


He has taken interviews

Item content. Click the edit button to change this text.


20 Years He worked in Industry

Item content. Click the edit button to change this text.


Now He is Entrepreneur

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Dron Rathore is a multifaceted individual with a unique perspective on education, employment, and the intersection between the two. Having experienced the joys and struggles of student life, he went on to earn an engineering degree and spent two decades in the industry, gaining valuable insights and honing his problem-solving skills.

Through countless interviews, both giving and taking, he gained a deep understanding of the needs and concerns of students, parents, educational institutions, and industry alike. Now, as an entrepreneur, Dron is passionate about sharing his knowledge and expertise to help guide others on the path to happiness and success.

Your Pain Area and Solutions

Students will get Employment & Financial Growth...

  • Become Job/Business/Start up Ready
  • More Success Rate in Job, Start up, Business
  • Fees Money Recovery / Loan repay will be fast
  • You will Achieve 10 Years Growth in 5 Years
  • Fast Life Settlement & Success

Educational Institutions will get Financial & Social Growth...

  • Monetary Benefit Financial
  • More Success Ratio of Student - Brand Value
  • More Admissions - Financial
  • Synergy University & Industry Social Benefit

Industry will get Capable People like...

  • Good Time Manager & Planner
  • Diverse & Team Player.
  • Good Communicator & Storyteller
  • Problem Solver & Quick Learner.
  • Capable People instead of Only Knowledgeable People


Dron Rathore is an enterpreneur with extensive experience in business development, training and auditing, supply chain management, program and project management, and people development. He is an expert in culture building and capability development, as well as in managing customer relationships and operations.

Years of Experience
Training Man-hours
Vendor Development

Free Consultation

Students & Their
Parents Benefit

  • Monetary Benefit - Financial
  • More Success Ratio of Student - Brand Value, Rating
  • More Admissions - Financial
  • Link between University & Industry - Social Benefit


Driving Industrial Advancement Forward

  • Innovative Business Strategies
  • Improved Productivity Techniques
  • Enhanced Employee Motivation
  • Futuristic Vision Planning


Revolutionizing Higher
Education Growth

  • Innovative Program Offerings
  • Marketing and Outreach Techniques
  • Cutting-Edge Educational Technology
  • Real-World Skills Development


Transforming Global
Education Landscape

  • Bridging the Urban-Rural Education Divide
  • Technological Advancements in Education
  • Remote Learning Opportunities
  • Affordable Education Access



Linked Benefit



Unemployment will decrease

Progress increment in Skill India Initiative


Startup initiative will increase

Progress increment in Make In India Initiative


Approx. 50 Lacs Voter add every year

Political benefit in favor of India


Deshbhakti & Party Vichardhara Promotion

Political benefit in favor of India

Tax Collection

Tax Collection increase of Indian government

Revenue Benefit for India

Tax Payers

Approx. 50 Lacs Tax Payer add every year

Long Term Revenue Benefit for India

We have Solution of Unemployment for Professional Degree Holders

Why I am? Because I have faced all Phase of this problem till Success. Put your email below to book a consultation.
